Podcast Reflection #2

The second podcast was much more of a smooth process when comparing it to our previous one and Andrew and I also corrected some of the problems that arose earlier podcast.  However, there is still room for improvement as although we made changes we still fell short in certain ways.

The process of brainstorming was different as we decided to take a more different approach with this episode. Rather than focus on a big and expansive game such as skyrim, we wanted to hoan in on a smaller game that shows no real significance at the surface. By this strategy, we felt we wouldn’t feel as overwhelmed and be able to go deeper on a couple points as opposed to covering wide range of topics. Along with our meeting with professor Morgan, Andrew and I felt we a stronger and more organized outline going into recording and editing. This time around, we wrote a more comprehensive script in order to stay on point rather than ramble as we did at times in our last podcast. However, we made sure that we also talked off-script when it came for analysis and personal experiences. This allowed our episode to feel more well done while also not dry in terms of content. This combination of having a script but also have room to push the boundaries led to an overall better episode. However, there were still some challenges when making the episode. We only squeaked over 9 minutes of content which felt a little short. This means that our analysis in my opinion could have been stronger because there has to be more to talk about when it comes to a game like Bloons Tower Defense. Even with this shortcoming I still feel we did better  than our earlier episode. Lastly, while doing this episode I started to notice how writing an essay is not as different than recording the podcast. Both require organization and analysis in order to convey your message to the reader or listener. But what I believe the whole point of the podcast assignment is to realize that I have the same creative freedom in writing essay. For so long we have been bogged down with rules when it comes to essay writing. But in terms of analysis, there is still a whole lot of freedom like in the podcast episode.

In this specific instance, one of the learning objectives that was addressed was Collaboration. Initially, Andrew and I were pretty confused on what to talk about on the Bloons Tower defense series. We talked it over with one another and still really didn’t have a clear direction. It was once we met with our professor and we all talked out our ideas the episode began to have a direction. We would build off of one another and came up with an entirely new question going into recording. Without collaborating, we would have never created an episode close to what we produced.

Podcast Reflection #1

The first podcast that Andrew and I created was certainly an experience as this was our first time ever creating content together. Although there were strengths in our episode, I personally felt that this assignment really served more as a learning experience rather than purely content generating.

After listening to the podcast’s before us Andrew and I wanted to create something different, essentially an episode that felt more unscripted and conversational that still had meaningful analysis. I felt that this approach would allow the listener to more easily follow the points as well as be more engaging. Therefore, for our script we kept it pretty open ended where we could generate ideas by talking rather than reading off the sheet. This strategy I felt enabled us to be successful in certain aspects while also having areas we need to improve on. Firstly, I felt that our analysis was better as we were focused on the points we were trying to make in regards to transit and skyrim. This comes in large part due to the meeting we had with Professor Morgan before recording and editing our podcast. In addition, this style also allowed for creativity in my opinion. The typical essay has many rules and guidelines and without a strict script I felt we were able to go in many different directions. However, due to this style there was also many shortcomings in our episode. Firstly it was tricky getting the hand of audacity especially because both of us had never used it before. Editing was annoying because there were so many pauses and mistakes so we went second by second ensuring there was less awkwardness. The biggest weakness within our episode was the unpolished nature of it. There were moments that were obviously edited and awkward pauses within our speech patterns. However, even with these problems I still believe we met our goals in making a more casual but still insightful podcast.

The entire experience definitely changed me as a learner and how I approach new projects. This was the first time I had ever made a podcast so I carefully tried to study the
nuances and differences from a typical paper. What I found out quickly on the other hand was that in order to really learn you have to dive in fully into the project. The podcast assignment address critical thinking in regards to the overall learning outcomes. You and your partner to create cohesive and meaningful idea while putting those ideas on an unfamiliar platform. By using these critical thinking skills, we were able to generate a podcast that completed our goals and set us up for a better podcast in the future.

Fiasco Reflection

My experience was certainly a new one as I had never played a tabletop game before fiasco but overall I can honestly say it was a worthwhile experience and something I could return to in the future. My first impression of fiasco and tabletop games in general was of confusion as I didn’t understand where or what the gameplay was. I didn’t understand that the players create the game in a sense by developing the story and the characters. The main way I prepared to play Fiasco with my group members was to skim the rulebook and to watch the entire wil Wheaton play through of the game. In all honesty, because I watched the entire series I had a decent understanding of the game and this made me the “head” of the game. My other members knew other bits and pieces of the rules and we all created a set of rules where we could follow the story. In order to start the game we really talked over the rules and how to play in each stage of the game. After we made some clarifications we decided to start the game.

We all sat around in the Raoul lounge at about 5:15 PM. We rolled the die and initially there was definitely some hesitation to get into character. Most of us at the start wanted to keep our own names believing it would be easier. However, as we began to tear down some walls of awkwardness we were able to pick up the story. People started throwing out ideas in terms of our created relationship and a story began to slowly develop. Although it seemed very random and confusing at first, we created the basis to start what I may say a classic Fiasco tale. Before I get into the actual plot of our fiasco, I have to comment on the cultural differences between all of the players of the game. Some of our group were not born or lived in the US and so there was definitely some generated confusion among the players. I even at one point used the term “in cahoots” meaning collusion and got some dumbfounded looks by a couple members of our group. Anyway here is how our fiasco went in simplest terms.

The main story was probably based on a feud between a recently divorced couple in which the wife wants to kill the husband. She employs her distant relative who happens her husband’s drug dealer and she pays him in order to kill his husband at the main setting of the mall. Simultaneously, THe drug dealer’s boss is a chemistry student looking to get her masters making money by having a drug empire. She requires validation from her professor but also has some leverage on her. She knows the her professor and the aforementioned husband disposed of a body used for experimentation in the chem lab. Essentially, there were two storylines revolving around a search for disposed the body and the wife trying to murder her husband. This was all to climax at the main setting.

What ended up happening was a very divided ending in which some characters met an unfortunate fate while a couple others ended up on top. The drug dealer missed the husband and instead hit the professor and sher wound was fatal and painful. The husband however was caught in regards to the body and spent the rest of his life in prison inevitably dying. The drug dealer was caught by police however they thanked him for his killing of the suspect. But he was still charged and spent the rest of his life at a high security prison. The wife on the other hand took over the drug business ending up ok and the drug kingpin became the new professor and abandoned her old dirty ways. Overall, I feel this assignment conquered the learning objective of writing as a process. We had to create ideas in order to drive the story forward a process nevertheless. This process allowed us to create an interactive and multi layered thus proving how writing always changes.

Fiasco Reflection

My experience was certainly a new one as I had never played a tabletop game before fiasco but overall I can honestly say it was a worthwhile experience and something I could return to in the future. My first impression of fiasco and tabletop games in general was of confusion as I didn’t understand where or what the gameplay was. I didn’t understand that the players create the game in a sense by developing the story and the characters. The main way I prepared to play Fiasco with my group members was to skim the rulebook and to watch the entire wil Wheaton play through of the game. In all honesty, because I watched the entire series I had a decent understanding of the game and this made me the “head” of the game. My other members knew other bits and pieces of the rules and we all created a set of rules where we could follow the story. In order to start the game we really talked over the rules and how to play in each stage of the game. After we made some clarifications we decided to start the game.

We all sat around in the Raoul lounge at about 5:15 PM. We rolled the die and initially there was definitely some hesitation to get into character. Most of us at the start wanted to keep our own names believing it would be easier. However, as we began to tear down some walls of awkwardness we were able to pick up the story. People started throwing out ideas in terms of our created relationship and a story began to slowly develop. Although it seemed very random and confusing at first, we created the basis to start what I may say a classic Fiasco tale. Before I get into the actual plot of our fiasco, I have to comment on the cultural differences between all of the players of the game. Some of our group were not born or lived in the US and so there was definitely some generated confusion among the players. I even at one point used the term “in cahoots” meaning collusion and got some dumbfounded looks by a couple members of our group. Anyway here is how our fiasco went in simplest terms.

The main story was probably based on a feud between a recently divorced couple in which the wife wants to kill the husband. She employs her distant relative who happens her husband’s drug dealer and she pays him in order to kill his husband at the main setting of the mall. Simultaneously, THe drug dealer’s boss is a chemistry student looking to get her masters making money by having a drug empire. She requires validation from her professor but also has some leverage on her. She knows the her professor and the aforementioned husband disposed of a body used for experimentation in the chem lab. Essentially, there were two storylines revolving around a search for disposed the body and the wife trying to murder her husband. This was all to climax at the main setting.

What ended up happening was a very divided ending in which some characters met an unfortunate fate while a couple others ended up on top. The drug dealer missed the husband and instead hit the professor and sher wound was fatal and painful. The husband however was caught in regards to the body and spent the rest of his life in prison inevitably dying. The drug dealer was caught by police however they thanked him for his killing of the suspect. But he was still charged and spent the rest of his life at a high security prison. The wife on the other hand took over the drug business ending up ok and the drug kingpin became the new professor and abandoned her old dirty ways. Overall, I feel this assignment conquered the learning objective of writing as a process. We had to create ideas in order to drive the story forward a process nevertheless. This process allowed us to create an interactive and multi layered thus proving how writing always changes.

Wolf in White Van Essay


credit to the Zoo Duisburg

How can an unexplainable be perceived in novel? What constitutes trauma in gaming? On my latest page I explore this idea of trauma in John Darnielle’s novel The Wolf in White Van. I discuss the narrative style and the common theme of detachment in order to explore how trauma is used effectively in novels. I also briefly discuss how this novel particularly is similar to other games we have played over the semester. To view the essay click here.

KRZ Freewrite Magical Realism

Although Kentucky Route Zero takes place in “real world”, it has multiple elements thats make it a unique game including the idea of magical realism. KRZ blends two ideas of magical realism as it is set in the real world but also contains fantastical elements. For example, in the opening scene we quickly can figure that KRZ is certainly going to be a weird game as the dialogue seemed very awkward. Even the graphics themselves looked like they were taken out of some Tim Burton movie. Although there were weird aspects of the game at the start it was semi-realistic in its setting with a normal gas station, truck, dog etc. However, the first fantastical moment we encounter is with the three people playing that strange board game in the basement. Although Conway repeatedly calls for their attention none of them even know that he’s there. As you finally find the piece they are looking for they mysteriously vanish without a trace.

Unpacking Manuel’s Intro #2

Manuel’s Tavern is a Georgia landmark located in Atlanta and famous for its political significance. On the walls of the bar hang various portraits and pictures that decorate the interior. However, if you look closely enough you are able to draw some sort of significance out of each piece of wall art and its link to the Tavern itself. On my revised page I talk about this link between a framed article and the Tavern as well as explore the theme of American Freedom and its subsequent limitations. Overall, the story that article talks about is intriguing and I enjoyed drawing more significant themes.


Note: all pictures have attached links

Unpacking Manuel’s Intro #2

Manuel’s Tavern is a Georgia landmark located in Atlanta and famous for its political significance. On the walls of the bar hang various portraits and pictures that decorate the interior. However, if you look closely enough you are able to draw some sort of significance out of each piece of wall art and its link to the Tavern itself. On my revised page I talk about this link between a framed article and the Tavern as well as explore the theme of American Freedom and its subsequent limitations. Overall, the story that article talks about is intriguing and I enjoyed drawing more significant themes.


Note: all pictures have attached links


I decided to choose the red hot chili peppers logo as my avatar because rock music is a big part of my life and as i’ve said before rhcp is my favorite band. I believe that the themes they touch are very relatable and thus have become my all time favorite. I began listening to the group back in middle school and was completely hooked and now they have contributed to a significant part of my personality and development as a human being. Initially, I was very confused on what aspect of myself I would choose as my avatar from soccer or even to my favorite video game. However, music, specifically the chills peppers, have given me an escape through so much in my life that it really was the natural choice.

Unpacking Manuel’s intro

Manuel’s Tavern is Bar in suburban Atlanta that is famous for political significance in the state of Georgia. But also, is a local dive bar bar where people are able to relax and talk freely. On the walls of the tavern are multiple photos containing old beer ads, framed articles, pictures among others. On my new page, I go in depth into one of the framed articles that hangs in Manuel’s. I discuss the impact Cigarettes but also there withstanding presence in American cultural freedom. Check it out!

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