Firewatch Liveblog

Firewatch:Google images, “Firewatch“,                                           

Surrounded by wilderness, the player incarnates Henry, a character who had major turns in his life. The game begins with a dialogue in form of a script where the player can choose different options on what he wishes to express. It is soon understood that Henry’s wife is a victim of dementia and thus has to take care of her but after some time she returns back to her family. In order to change ideas, Henry decides to take a summer job as a “guardian of the forest”.

The major interactive dialogue is between Henry and Delilah, his boss. As the game unfolds, the player can see how two people can become closer through time without each other’s physical presence. In addition, the player has a range of choices in choosing what Henry can say. This may lead to different responses and outcomes from the characters giving a different experience depending on the gaming style of the player. In addition, an interesting connection between characters is the interaction through the notes between Ron and Dave. It is an interesting way in which the player can learn their personalities even if we have never met them. In addition, the tension generated between the two teenage girls and Henry may portray the friction which can be found between different generations. As a consequence, since this game may be directed towards adolescents, the game may want to portray how the other generation may see the world.

After exploring and completing tasks given by Delilah, the soundtrack plays an important role in the gaming experience. At the opening of the game, the soundtrack is relaxing and the player enjoys the scenery. We find ourselves immersed in nature where there is wind, rain, thunder storms. It is like we perceive the world through Henry’s eyes as we have access to his sensory senses and thoughts.  Nevertheless, after events become intriguing such as the breaking in Henry’s tower, the soundtrack sets a suspenseful tone and thus there is a build-up.

It can be noticed that there is a historical aspect to the game. First of all, the player can encounter a site of American Indians which he can explore. In addition, in one of the supply packages is a hat from a Korean war veteran. This can be linked to the fact of how, in this wilderness, people try to escape just like Henry.

Overall, the game extends over a couple of months and fast forwards to key events while still introducing the gamer to an average day of a watcher.