Podcast Graphic


I put together the above playlist graphic for Gamecast, based on the graphic I made last year and this tweet from the Firewatch photobooth at Pax West earlier this month:

If there are suggestions for revision or objections, leave a comment on this post and let me know.

Firewatch Liveblog

Firewatch:Google images, “Firewatch“,                                                     https://www.google.com/search?q=firewatch&safe=active&biw=1188&bih=703&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwij4fGXjp7PAhXLMyYKHbbzCv8Q_AUIBygC#imgrc=mmNCQe-cvCCKnM%3A

Surrounded by wilderness, the player incarnates Henry, a character who had major turns in his life. The game begins with a dialogue in form of a script where the player can choose different options on what he wishes to express. It is soon understood that Henry’s wife is a victim of dementia and thus has to take care of her but after some time she returns back to her family. In order to change ideas, Henry decides to take a summer job as a “guardian of the forest”.

The major interactive dialogue is between Henry and Delilah, his boss. As the game unfolds, the player can see how two people can become closer through time without each other’s physical presence. In addition, the player has a range of choices in choosing what Henry can say. This may lead to different responses and outcomes from the characters giving a different experience depending on the gaming style of the player. In addition, an interesting connection between characters is the interaction through the notes between Ron and Dave. It is an interesting way in which the player can learn their personalities even if we have never met them. In addition, the tension generated between the two teenage girls and Henry may portray the friction which can be found between different generations. As a consequence, since this game may be directed towards adolescents, the game may want to portray how the other generation may see the world.

After exploring and completing tasks given by Delilah, the soundtrack plays an important role in the gaming experience. At the opening of the game, the soundtrack is relaxing and the player enjoys the scenery. We find ourselves immersed in nature where there is wind, rain, thunder storms. It is like we perceive the world through Henry’s eyes as we have access to his sensory senses and thoughts.  Nevertheless, after events become intriguing such as the breaking in Henry’s tower, the soundtrack sets a suspenseful tone and thus there is a build-up.

It can be noticed that there is a historical aspect to the game. First of all, the player can encounter a site of American Indians which he can explore. In addition, in one of the supply packages is a hat from a Korean war veteran. This can be linked to the fact of how, in this wilderness, people try to escape just like Henry.

Overall, the game extends over a couple of months and fast forwards to key events while still introducing the gamer to an average day of a watcher.





Firewatch in Realtime

I totally underestimated the complexity of the plot. When I first started to play the game, I had no idea that the narrative would follow this way. The shock and rather absurdity of the plot empowered the game with an emotional appeal that I did not quite frankly expect. Although I have played narrative, decision-making games before, this game felt different. Despite its absurdity, the realistic emotions that Henry goes through, as well as his confusions, were able to pervade through the medium. Henry’s growing relationship with Delilah despite his wife and the feeling of sabotage were especially powerful. When Henry found the transcripts of the conversations between Henry and Delilah about destroying the camp, I felt truly outplayed.

DAY 78-79

Now I learn that the girls from the lake aren’t dead and they simply took a joyride in a tractor. Then after spending so much time climbing through the rocks, I found a dead body of a boy. What is going on?? And now the person who rigged the walkie talkie is giving Henry directions. Henry climbs up the rope the killer provided and I honestly thought that it was a trap. However, he was actually helping henry break into research site. We find out that the culprit is Ned Goodwin and he killed his own son. Apparently Brian didn’t meet up to Ned’s expectations and it was probably an accident. So it ends with Henry entering rescue helicopter. I’m honesty kind of disappointed.


Why is Delilah acting so strange? Why is she peppier than usual? She must have been brainwashed.

I am completely wrong. I learn later that she is trying to tell me something discreetly so the people tapping into conversation won’t know what we are saying. Things definitely heated up when she got henry a new radio and Henry finally fins the documents/assessments about Julia, Delilah and himself in the facility. And the music suddenly gets dramatic and eerie so the alarm for the supply bag near the rocks startled me so much. More ambiguity awaits as we head to Day 78.



By Day 3, I can definitely tell that Delilah has sparked some interest for henry when she started asking him about his physical features and his wardrobe choices. I didn’t expect Delilah to reveal so much about her personal life and we begin to see her emotional side.  We skip forward from day three to day nine in a blink of an eye. Then I had to do more climbing and poorly navigated my way around as I tried to figure out how to read the map and work the compass. I also get way too excited when I encounter a supply cache. I also noticed the days are moving immensely fast.

The flapjack fire is so intense. The contrast between the flames and the night sky is so distinct and intense. And speaking of intensity, I feel like henry and Delilah are slowly falling in love.

I can’t believe someone was eavesdropping on conversation. And things started getting really interesting when Henry completely blacks out because someone strikes him in the head. I feel like this is when the plot twist occurs and the storyline builds up. Climbing down the ropes have become more natural to me but I still keep getting lost. I have no idea where I am going most of the time and the map is extremely confusing. But as I am getting lost, I find out new things about people and the setting. Apparently there is a research site that I know nothing about. There are so many missing pieces to the game that you have to find— such as the ax that you must use to cut the tree to make a path to the meadow. Delilah then left the line with such ambiguity.



The setting and animation instantly made a lasting impression on me. Everything is just so detailed and beautiful. In terms of action, there is lots of it. From instances such as Henry’s rope breaking to first finding the girls by the lake, the storyline is always so striking and intriguing. I enjoyed the satire with the pun scene as well as the subconscious flirting between Delilah and Henry.

Like Gone Home, you are able to interact with intimate objects. I personally love this feature because it makes me feel as if I am a real character in this storyline and I can have my own say as to what goes on around me. Picking up the cans, turtles and cameras kept the game interesting. Having Delilah on the line not only develops the plot but it also keeps the viewers company. I was honestly getting a bit tired roaming around but having her crack jokes and flirt with Henry kept the game alive. She also gave me tips regarding what I should notice around me, such as the smoke that I had to follow.

The girls by the lake were very immature yet hilarious. Even though Henry following the trail of undergarments does necessarily label him a pervert, he was simply doing his job and investigating his surroundings. Henry then began to hunt for the girls using the beer cans they leave everywhere. Despite the navigation nuances, I am enjoying this game so far.


Everything about this game is so intriguing. From the starting screen to the little storyline slides, I was captivated by Henry’s life and I enjoyed how we could kind of control the storyline by deciding what Henry should do in particular situations. The music makes you feel so emotional and peaceful in the very beginning. The sceneries are gorgeous and I learn how to somewhat navigate and explore. The dates fast forward so fast but we get some idea of the background of the couple. Now the music gets more melancholic and depressing. The nude guy in the journal kind of shocked me as well. We could feel sympathy towards Julia as her Alzheimer’s worsens. The lookout tower has a kind of ominous vibe and I got so startled when Delilah’s voice popped out of nowhere. We can kind of see the relationship building between Delilah and Henry.

Liveblog Firewatch–Day1

It took me longer to fulfill the task on Day1. I found myself constantly lost in the jungle. When I headed towards the west or the east or the north, there were always obstacles and I couldn’t find my way through the trees and the rocks and the thistles and thorns. I have to say this game is extremely challenging for people who have a horrible sense of direction like me. Mostly what I did all day(?) was wandering around frustrated trying to jump up a rock or find a road. When searching for the campers I found that the game’s sound effect was pretty good. I could hear the birds chirping as if they were just above my head outside the window. And the sounds got closer and closer as I approached the object, which I think is more useful than the map and the compass. I felt excited to discover that there was actually a creepy and dark cave. The echo part was interesting. When I finally got back to my place, I discovered that the room was totally vandalized. This actually frightened me, but I am more curious about the person who did that. Maybe it was neither the man nor the girls. Who knows? Waiting to know more on Day2.

Firewatch Day 77

A lot has happened since my last blog post. Firstly the plot took a turn that      I had not anticipated as I thought originally it’d be about the two missing girls and what had happened to them. However, it turned out to be another mystery story where we don’t necessarily construct a narrative but we get pieces into a mystery story. As the game progressed I also felt a continued sense of paranoia knowing that someone is listening to me and someone is watching me. The line that Henry states that really struck a chord with me was “is this all in my head”. I am hoping in the back of my mind there is a mind blowing twist but what I do really enjoy about this game is how in touches upon loving someone with mental illness. Whether it’d be Julia with Dementia or continued paranoia the game does a good job at humanizing these  I am close to the game’s end and hopefully will be able to get another blogpost before midnight don’t want to be up too late.

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