Dear Esther Free Write

One of the main differences between “Gone Home” and “Dear Esther” is the writing style of the queries that both narrators present at key moments in the games. “Dear Esther has a very poetic and abstract writing style. It is still unclear to me exactly what the writer of the game was trying to get across. The one thing that I am almost sure of is that the narrator (also the protagonist) got in a drunk driving accident that caused the death of his wife, Esther. The island that the narrator is on is one of isolation and guilt. He is severely depressed because of what he has done and feels like life is almost not worth living anymore. This island could be a metaphor of the metaphysical and social isolation that he experiences, from friends, and loved ones, for what he has done. In the end, the narrator decides that life is just not worth it anymore so he decides to take his own life and get off the island, away from all of his guilt forever. Not a single part of this writing piece was literally in the actual transcript of “Dear Esther” which is one of the main reasons why it is so different from “Gone Home” which has a much more literal approach.