The setting and animation instantly made a lasting impression on me. Everything is just so detailed and beautiful. In terms of action, there is lots of it. From instances such as Henry’s rope breaking to first finding the girls by the lake, the storyline is always so striking and intriguing. I enjoyed the satire with the pun scene as well as the subconscious flirting between Delilah and Henry.

Like Gone Home, you are able to interact with intimate objects. I personally love this feature because it makes me feel as if I am a real character in this storyline and I can have my own say as to what goes on around me. Picking up the cans, turtles and cameras kept the game interesting. Having Delilah on the line not only develops the plot but it also keeps the viewers company. I was honestly getting a bit tired roaming around but having her crack jokes and flirt with Henry kept the game alive. She also gave me tips regarding what I should notice around me, such as the smoke that I had to follow.

The girls by the lake were very immature yet hilarious. Even though Henry following the trail of undergarments does necessarily label him a pervert, he was simply doing his job and investigating his surroundings. Henry then began to hunt for the girls using the beer cans they leave everywhere. Despite the navigation nuances, I am enjoying this game so far.