Podcast Reflection #1

The first podcast that Andrew and I created was certainly an experience as this was our first time ever creating content together. Although there were strengths in our episode, I personally felt that this assignment really served more as a learning experience rather than purely content generating.

After listening to the podcast’s before us Andrew and I wanted to create something different, essentially an episode that felt more unscripted and conversational that still had meaningful analysis. I felt that this approach would allow the listener to more easily follow the points as well as be more engaging. Therefore, for our script we kept it pretty open ended where we could generate ideas by talking rather than reading off the sheet. This strategy I felt enabled us to be successful in certain aspects while also having areas we need to improve on. Firstly, I felt that our analysis was better as we were focused on the points we were trying to make in regards to transit and skyrim. This comes in large part due to the meeting we had with Professor Morgan before recording and editing our podcast. In addition, this style also allowed for creativity in my opinion. The typical essay has many rules and guidelines and without a strict script I felt we were able to go in many different directions. However, due to this style there was also many shortcomings in our episode. Firstly it was tricky getting the hand of audacity especially because both of us had never used it before. Editing was annoying because there were so many pauses and mistakes so we went second by second ensuring there was less awkwardness. The biggest weakness within our episode was the unpolished nature of it. There were moments that were obviously edited and awkward pauses within our speech patterns. However, even with these problems I still believe we met our goals in making a more casual but still insightful podcast.

The entire experience definitely changed me as a learner and how I approach new projects. This was the first time I had ever made a podcast so I carefully tried to study the
nuances and differences from a typical paper. What I found out quickly on the other hand was that in order to really learn you have to dive in fully into the project. The podcast assignment address critical thinking in regards to the overall learning outcomes. You and your partner to create cohesive and meaningful idea while putting those ideas on an unfamiliar platform. By using these critical thinking skills, we were able to generate a podcast that completed our goals and set us up for a better podcast in the future.