Gamecast: Skyrim and Transit

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How is transit relevant to Skyrim?
Does a fictional world send a better message than a digital real world?
What does transit open you up to?

Gamecast: Candy Crush and Habituation

This podcast episode, by Jasmine and Graciela, details the game Super Smash Bro. Brawl. The episode goes into explaining the features of the game as well comparing and contrasting the game to other fighting games. Why do people keep playing this game continually? We turn to Ian Bogost’s chapter on Habituation and how the certain aspects of the game pull players back in for more to answer that question.

Gamecast: Cytus and Music

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In this episode of Gamecast, Cindy and Niky discuss the game Cytus, analyzing its plot and mechanics. We also raise the very important question: does playing a music game help a person learn a real instrument? We hope you enjoy!

Gamecast: Don’t Starve and Reverence

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Listen in to our conversation about the survival game Don’t Starve. While Don’t Starve certainly might come across as a leisure game with its cute style and cynical mini monologues, there is much more to it. The game tests your creativity and forces you to think outside the box about where to find resources. You have to think again about how one person can affect the world and the impact of your actions. To check out how all of it is presented within the game and how it ties to Ian Bogost, click play!

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