Firewatch Days 1 and 2

The story of “Firewatch” is starting to get very exciting. The two girls that we saw in the lake earlier in the game have been attacked and think that Henry, the protagonist, is at fault. They say they are going to the police with their findings which hopefully will not end up badly for Henry. There is one mystery that is still bothering me however. If it wasn’t Henry that attacked the girls, then who did? This type of storytelling that “Firewatch” brings to the table is very engaging and intriguing. It immerses the player in the story right away and leaves them begging for more.

“Firewatch” has a similar style to “Gone Home” in the way that the player learns background information about certain characters. Like in “Gone Home” the player receives key information about the characters, Henry and Delilah, when he/she gets to certain key points around the map and a radio conversation is started. However, “Firewatch” does this in a much more engaging way than “Gone Home”.