It’s Day 33 and I Still Can’t Navigate Myself

I really don’t understand this. I used to hike in my high school. This should not be this hard… Yet I still find myself completely lost within this game. As I learn more about the plot of the game I also learn more things about myself, such as having a disorder or navigating myself around this stupid forest. At one point I hoped that the Flapjack fire would burn everything down and I wouldn’t to walk around so much… But enough about me, there are more interesting things going on: the plot is picking up!
As days pass Henry learns his way around the forest (or in my case mostly walks around with no purpose) and gets occasional jobs from his boss, Delilah. One of them is tracking down the people who burned fire crackers. Henry finds out that the perpetrators are two teenage girls fooling around. Although Henry urges them to stop they don’t take him seriously. A strange incident of cut phone lines appears and Delilah blames teens for it, thus ordering Henry to track them down. Instead Henry finds out that the girls left, claiming to be freaked out by some creep (they claimed it was Henry). Later on the girls go missing and Henry is the last person to see them. I felt that this moment gave a lot of excitement to the game showing that there is more to the story than a man trying to get away from his past.
Speaking of which, I found it very interesting how Julia called Henry yet the supposedly loving husband does not seem that excited. At the same time Delilah and Henry become close by sharing more and more of their personal information. It was peculiar to know that Delilah also had a painful past and uses this job to get away. I am looking forward to the character development as well as learning all the secrets that the game has to offer.