Podcast Reflection

Looking back on the process of creating our podcast, I thought it went very well. Ben and I were very good at communicating with each other about what our expectations were from each other and we were both very available to meet to work on the project throughout the week which made the whole process a lot less stressful. One thing that we did that I think was the most helpful was starting early. We began working on our podcast the Sunday before it was due which gave us plenty of time to put together a well-polished finished product. As for the quality of the podcast, I think we did a good job of analyzing Assassin’s Creed in an interesting and engaging way that kept the listener interested and focused. I think the podcast flowed well and we had a clear idea in mind for what the overall message of the podcast would be. Having a clear argument before starting recording was essential. We did a lot of planning and talking off the record in order to put together our final product. This made the process of recording a lot easier because we had already talked about what we were going to say beforehand.

One difficulty we had during the project was the editing at the end of the project. Both Ben and I had never used audacity before and some of the audio editing was very time consuming. Another difficulty we had was Ben’s inexperience to the game. In a way it made the podcast more interesting because it was a genuine teaching experience about the wonders of Assassin’s Creed. However, it did make it slightly more difficult to discuss because only one of us knew very much about the game. This problem was really my fault for insisting that we play a game that he hadn’t played before. For our next podcast we will try to play a game that both of us know well.Podcast Reflection