Reflection on Manuel’s Tavern 1st draft

At first, I intended to write about the national New York Times report because I thought it would be exciting to write about something from my home state. I decided not to, however, because I could not read the articles nor could I find information about them online.

I then stumbled upon the Dead Guy Ale sign. I knew nothing about Dead Guy Ale, the name on the top of the sign, Rogue, the name on the bottom of the sign, or Prost, the name signed on the sign, and wanted to find out more about each. I first researched “Dead Guy Ale,” the name on the top of the sign. I found the link, which described some aspects of Dead Guy Ale’s taste and looks. It turned out that the company Rogue, the name at the bottom of the sign, brews Dead Guy Ale. After, I clicked the link that displayed Dead Guy Ale’s history and awards ( The fact that Rogue created beer for a Mayan Day of the Dead celebration stood out to me. I learned about Mayans in history class, but I had never heard of this holiday before and wanted to research more about it. I found this link, which explained some aspects of the holiday, including the fact that Mayans believed that the spirits of dead relatives could visit from October 31 to November 2. Next, I researched Rogue. I discovered that Rogue originated in Oregon and emphasized making handcrafted brews. I wanted to learn how a sign sponsoring some small beer company in Oregon could end up in an Atlanta bar. I could not find anything except for the fact that the name on the sign is the name of a Seattle based pub. The last thing I looked up was, an article describing Manuel’s Tavern’s History, to find more information on how the Dead Guy Ale sign ended up in the bar. Again, I found nothing. Despite not determining how the sign got into the bar, I enjoyed learning more about a beer, a beer company and a holiday, all of which have never heard of until I conducted my research.



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