Unpacking Manuel’s Reflections

My research throughout this project has led me to believe that the singularity of Manuel’s Tavern owes itself to unsuspecting connections that hide among its walls. The photograph which I had selected to analyze was of Winston Churchill, and lacked any online background information. After long hours of research, and without conclusion, I submitted a few paragraphs that addressed the lack of resources rather than the image itself. This resulted in a rather ineffective statement.

For the final draft, I decided after consultation to focus my research on Winston Churchill’s historical and political significance. Alongside the complex history of Manuel’s Tavern, I decided that Churchill’s story provided its own insights into the decorative purpose of the photograph.

The research led me to learn that Manuel’s Tavern was deeply rooted in politics, and Churchill’s photograph served as both a catalyst of discussion and a model of Maloof’s ideals. Maloof himself was highly political, and it is likely that the photographs he selected were ones that represented his beliefs. As the tavern’s following grew, Maloof became influenced by the politics around him, and likewise began using the tavern to influence his customers. Churchill was just one of these cyclical influences, and represents the tradition of discussion which Manuel’s Tavern has long upheld.

In completion of this project, I was forced to access all five learning objectives. Critical thinking was key in connecting the photograph’s significance with the tavern’s historical background. The first draft lacked any of these connections, and it was only after the consultation that I realized it was due to my failure to address the five learning objectives through my writing. By taking these objectives into account, I was able to create a much more complex final draft.